This course provides a comprehensive overview of current GAAP. Includes:
- Presentation of financial statements,
- Including the balance sheet,
- Income statement, and
- Statement of cash flows;
- Notes to financial statements;
- Accounting changes and
- Error corrections;
- Earnings per share calculations;
- Interim reporting;
- Risks and uncertainties;
- Segment reporting;
- Receivables;
- Investments;
- Inventory;
- Deferred costs;
- Intangibles; property,
- Plant and equipment;
- Depreciation;
- Amortization;
- Debt;
- Contingencies;
- Commitments;
- Compensation;
- Guarantees;
- Equity;
- Revenue recognition;
- Foreign currency;
- Leases;
- Income taxes and more.
Course level: Basic.
Course includes integrated text and study guide, final exam, and grading service.
NASBA field of study: Accounting Course credit: 30 hours